Danielle Hicks » Danielle Hicks

Danielle Hicks

Hey there!


I'm Danielle Hicks, your friendly neighborhood middle school teacher with a zest for life and an insatiable appetite for adventure! When I'm not shaping young minds, you'll find me conquering mountains, exploring the deep blue, and even riding the waves. But don't let my six adorable (slightly overweight) cats fool you – I'm a whirlwind of excitement both inside and outside the classroom! Whether it's decoding hieroglyphics or deciphering poetry, I'm on a mission to ensure every student's "aha" moment is a cosmic explosion of understanding.


My journey into the world of education began on the sun-soaked beaches of Santa Barbara in 2013, but quickly called me back to the majestic mountains of North Lake Tahoe in 2014. Tahoe wasn't just about hitting the books; it was about hitting the slopes! As snow descended on the basin, I'd swap my pen for a snowboard, carving my way through powder while cultivating a deep appreciation for the beauty of the world around me. The majestic mountains became my sanctuaries of inspiration. Hiking trails transformed into my think tanks, where I pondered the possibilities for my future and ultimately decided to immerse myself deeper into the world of education. In 2016, a year ahead of schedule, I donned my cap and gown at Sierra Nevada College, equipped with a Bachelor of Arts in English. I continued my academic odyssey at National University, where I earned my Masters in Education, cementing my commitment to nurturing young minds. As my educational voyage continued, I brought my passion for adventure and exploration into my teaching style.


During my years as a middle school teacher, I've been privileged to witness countless "aha" moments and cultivate an environment that nurtures curiosity. It's been incredibly fulfilling to guide my students as they explore the world of literature and academics, and even more rewarding to see them discover their own remarkable potential. The energy and enthusiasm of this age group are truly inspiring and one of my favorite things about being a teacher. Their inquisitive nature and eagerness to learn create a dynamic classroom atmosphere that I cherish. I thoroughly enjoy helping them navigate the challenges of this transitional phase while fostering their intellectual and personal growth.


Whether I'm standing at the front of a classroom or atop a snow-covered peak, my heart is fueled by curiosity, my spirit driven by adventure, and my mind dedicated to shaping futures. As we journey through the school year together, I look forward to continuing to foster a love for learning and exploration in my students. Here's to another exciting year of discovery and growth!


Adventure awaits,


Danielle Hicks